Tap, jazz, ballet and creative movement are incorporated into one class to give your child a full dance experience! Classes teach the fundamentals of dance through steps and dance vocabulary, rhythm and musicality, and engaging activities!
Classes are designed to improve strength and motor skills, foster skill development, create self-awareness, build self-confidence, and promote teamwork and collaboration!
Your child will need…
(Please note: These supplies are required for full-season classes and 8 & 12-week sessions, but not summer sessions.)
Shoes: Tap and ballet shoes are the only required supplies for class.
Tap: Velcro or slip-on shoes are preferred over laces but not required. There is no color preference.
Ballet: Shoes with no ties are preferred but not required. There is no color preference.
Shoes can be purchased at Target, Walmart and local dance specialty stores. They are also available in several locations online.
To ensure your child’s shoes do not get mixed up with another child, we will be writing their name on the bottom of their shoes.
Attire: Students may wear street clothes to class that they can move comfortably in. Sweatpants or stretch pants and T-shirts are a great option. Girls may also wear a leotard and tights.*
*Classroom teachers get the dancers ready for class, so please speak to them to let them know your child has dance clothes and see if they have any special requirements.
Note: For girls staying in street clothes for class, please be sure not to have them wear a dress on dance day.
Parents are invited to a mid-season observation day (for full-season classes).
8&12-week session classes will end with a special in-class Parent Presentation!
Dance recital
Because we work exclusively with children ages 3-10, we are able to tailor our dance recitals to meet the needs of our littlest dancers while still offering the full on-stage experience! We hold several shows throughout the course of the weekend and each class participates in one show. Shows are no longer than 45 minutes and each class performs two dances! Each recital is immediately followed by a reception with cake and punch to celebrate!
Costume and recital fees apply.
Note: Recital is for full season classes running September-June.
Full season enrollment ends December 31st.